Please note...

This blog is not meant to slam any of his previous owners. (We have found out for ourselves how tough it can be to get him to eat.) All of us have the horses we sold for one reason or another. We wish we knew what happened to them. We hope that they ended up in a field full of grass with kids to love on them. We would like that to be true for at least one old man. Feel free to comment!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

One Week

Today we reached the one week mark. He is still bright-eyed and bushy tailed with (we hope) a little more fat on his old bones than he came here with. Since he still refuses to eat properly in his paddock I hand graze him as much as possible. We're also pumping him full of as much alfalfa and One n Only and Profile nuggets as possible. He's not huge on the hay though.

I hopped on him today with his halter and lead rope. He was awesome. I have no clue if he'd ever been ridden bareback before but he seemed absolutely great about it. He was very attentive and has that look were he seems to be watching the whole world.

I was riding Wren the other day while he was loose in the arena with us and it took about 15 minutes of us working a the trot, walk, and canter that he couldn't just chase after us for the whole time. A good source of low impact exercise for him though I guess. Good thing they get along.

Nobody hardly notices the skinny aspect of him. With his shiny coat and (now) well-trimmed mane he's quite the ladie's man in fact. He's made quick friends with the next-stall neighbor, an Arabian mare.

Again, if anyone has any information on my boy I would love to hear it!

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