Please note...

This blog is not meant to slam any of his previous owners. (We have found out for ourselves how tough it can be to get him to eat.) All of us have the horses we sold for one reason or another. We wish we knew what happened to them. We hope that they ended up in a field full of grass with kids to love on them. We would like that to be true for at least one old man. Feel free to comment!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Two Month Mark

We have officially had Harry for two months as of today. He is eating well and still packing on the pounds. He has gained 150 lbs and looks fabulous. He has a smashing new saddle pad. I swear that black horses can pull off any color.
I'm working on getting some pics sans saddle to show his weight gain a little better, but for now, voila...
May 13th

July 13th

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Teeth and such

So according to the vet who floated Harry's teeth, he has been unable to chew properly since a "bucket fracture" to his jaw roughly 10 years ago. This has been corrected as much as possible with a proper float but his teeth still don't sit as they should.

He has also gained over 125 pounds so we couldn't be happier! Pictures are coming soon.